Saturday, 28 February 2009

Call for Action from ''Our Dogs''

In response to the Times piece mentioned earlier, the editor of Our Dogs newspaper has made the following statement today:

''I want to get as many dog people emailing the Times (or any other paper for that matter) with our side...I am fed up of people just printing the narrow, one sided, cleverly edited or written opinions of Jemima, or Beverley Cuddy or.....Why do the British Press only seem to think that Jemima Harrison's opinion and dubious programme are correct? Up until last August, no one had even heard of Jemima Harrison and now she gives the impression of being the crusader for pedigree dogs. She has every right to her opinion, but it should not count for any more that yours or mine....but will we be asked?

We all know we live in an age of sound bites...the more controversial the better and Jemima and Beverley turn up trumps every time.

No one seems to mention the hundreds of thousands of happy dogs and caring owners that have existed happily side by side for years.

In every walk of life, there will always be people who bring the rest of their hobby or pursuit into disrepute. Jemima and those like her have to accept that we all have a right to enjoy superb events like Crufts, where dogs can be seen having a good time with their caring owners. It’s a place where many will be learning about health issues, training, nutrition, and many aspects of caring dog ownership...

WE NEED TO STAND UP AND BE COUNTED please pass this on if you agree.....please write to these other papers, as well as letters to the Editor at OUR DOGS.

Vince Hogan

Editor in Chief, OUR DOGS NEWSPAPER''

If you want to contact the Times, you can email them at or by telephone at 020-7782 5000

More bad press in the run toward Crufts

In today's Times we are given the latest edict on the state of purebred dogs in the UK by a very accomplished veteran breeder who is also a veterinarian and, wait.....its just Jemima Harrison again, assuming those roles plus that of martyr.

Today's installment, seen here at is more of the same from the filmmaker who continues to wage war on the world of show dogs.

I am so saddened and frustrated that the vast majority of responsible, dedicated and health-concious breeders of show dogs here in Britain are being dragged onto a pedestal and publicly berated by someone who no one had heard of until last August. I am even more angry that the media is so happy to allow such distorted and unbalanced reporting take place as long as it is pushes all the right dramatic buttons.

I hope to start a new campaign in which the faces, stories and views of breeders across the UK will be given a chance to be seen by a larger audience. Stay tuned...

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Independent's Day

The PDE docu-drama aired by the BBC last summer, which featured horrifying clips of sick dogs and Nazis, was presented for all to enjoy a second time around (this time in print) in today's Independent. Once again the Kennel Club and dog show world were blamed for the genetic abnormalities that affect some dogs, some of which happen to be purebred. Dog breeders were likened to followers of Hitler's eugenics philosophies, and once more the RSPCA stood by its view of purebreds as mutant freaks.

Why, if the ulitmate goal of these people is TRULY the welfare of purebred dogs, are they alienating and condemning an entire community of dedicated dog enthusiasts? Would it not be better to work alongside the KC and ''show'' breeders to further the work that is currently being done here in Britain and around the world to understand, isolate and cure the genetic flaws that can occur in dogs? After all, it is the show set that by and large supports and carries out veterinary health clearances on breeding stock. These tests are not cheap. Show breeders go to incredible expense to secure a fit and healthy ''next generation.'' You can't tell me that the casual breeder who has a litter once a year to pay for the family holiday is spending hundreds of pounds to test his bitch for cataracts, and insisting that his mate's stud dog be tested as well?! Of course he isn't. But the show breeder is, and she knows the history of not only her dog but the grandparents and great grandparents as well.

We as breeders are being villainized and slandered in an attempt for the RSPCA to win the battle of public opinion and become holders of the keys to the house of dog breeding. Is there a financial stake here for the organization if it can successfully persuade the government to give it power to impose liscenses, retstriction and penalties for those who intend to keep and breed dogs?? I shudder at the thought of that happening. Am I the only one who thinks that animal welfare groups are becoming more concerned with the control of humans than making sure that animals are happy and healthy? How much of your yearly RSPCA donation goes to the dogs of your local chapter, and how much of it is used to pursue frivolous prosecutions against people?

The Purebred Dog Community Has a New Outlet

Welcome to Showdogs Britain. Our goal is to provide the show dog community here in the UK and beyond with the latest headlines, news, show results, viewpoints and other information as it becomes available. We hope to become a forum and sounding board for not only the active purebred fancier but for everyone who loves and shares their life with man's best friend. We intend to offer a voice for those involved in the world of purebred dogs, whether as owners, breeders, exhibitors, judges or simply fans of dogs and our rapidly growing hobby. The word ''purebred'' has suddenly become controversial amongst some media outlets. We want to set the record straight about who we are, what we do, and the dogs we devote our lives to.

Stay tuned for more to come...