Wednesday, 29 April 2009

The Season Begins...

While it's technically not the first show of the year, most agree that W.E.L.K.S in April signals the start of the new season of outdoor shows that last into the fall.  After a winter filled with debate, turmoil and gloomy headlines, it will be great to start fresh and focus on the positive, while continuing to try to eliminate the negative.

Judge Mrs Liz Cartledge awarded Best at this event, and found her winner in the Lakeland Terrier bitch owned by the Scawthorn/Averis partnership.  Her name is CH Saredon For Your Eyes Only.  Reserve went to the champion Dal bitch ''Voodoo'' owned by Mark Dunnachie.

A full listing of breed and group results can be found at the FosseData site or by clicking here

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

National Terrier

This past Saturday (April 4th) was the date for the famed National Terrier Club show held at Stafford Showgrounds.  Awarded Best in Show was the Averis/Scawthorne partnership's Lakeland bitch CH Saredon For Your Eyes Only.

Full results can be found here.

Wednesday, 1 April 2009

PETA Files

You may recall PETA's failed campaign a few months ago to persuade the USA Network to drop Westminster Kennel Club coverage in February, a la the BBC/Crufts fallout. The organization made its presence felt at the event anyway, with supporters wearing KKK costumes in protest to ''breedism'' outside New York's Madison Square Garden during the show.

Public records now released in the US have provided some shocking statistics about this so-called animal rights organization. ''PETA’s “Animal Record” report for 2008, filed with the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, shows that the animal rights group killed 95 percent of the dogs and cats in its care last year. During all of 2008, PETA found adoptive homes for just seven pets.''

That's right.....1 in 300 animals was released for adoption......the rest were euthanized.

(In 2006 the organization was responsible for a 97% euthanasia rate at its Virginia headquarters.)

The Mail Online reported on the story this week, too.